About MVP

Most Valuable Podcasts -- run by six friends out of Chicago -- is made up of a couple of normal guys who love talking about sports, nerd culture, and video games. Founded in June of 2015, MVP has grown a lot, all thanks to our amazing fans who consume our content on a day-to-day basis and our wonderful patrons on Patreon.com.

Do you like funny and interesting conversations about sports, comics, movies, video games, and more? We have a number of podcasts for all our different fans. Our flagship podcast, The Onside Kick, brings you the best in NFL dicussions. More of an college fan? The Prime Time Podcast would be the one for you! If the NBA is more your style, the Fast Break may just be the podcast you're looking for. Not a sports fan at all? Rick and Johnny have you covered talking nerd culture and movies on the Ricky and Johnny podcast!

Most Valuable Podcasts is all about having fun while interacting with our great fans each and every day! We hope you enjoy the ride!


Ricky Widmer

Do you ever wonder why Ricky says really bizarre things during podcasts? Well, during his Little League days, he never liked to get out of the way of the ball. This led to a solid number of head injuries (and trips down to first base. SCORE!). Ricky grew up a huge fan of sports, superheroes, and video games. He’s spent many hours playing outside with friends, inside playing his Sega, Super Nintendo, or Playstation, or reading his numerous amounts of DC Comics. He also loves everything to do with Batman and will tell you about it every chance he gets!

Ricky has both a Bachelor’s and Master’s (I know…he’s surprised by this too) in Music and Music Education. However, he walked away from teaching to pursue his dreams of podcasting and Most Valuable Podcasts. You can find him hosting The Onside Kick, The Prime Time Podcast, and the Rick and Johnny Podcast and appearing on A Graphic Conversation.


Mark Weber

Mark Weber has been with Most Valuable Podcasts since the beginning and even before it was MVP. So he is very humbled to see even more progression in something that started so simply. You can hear him on The Onside Kick, MVP Patreon exclusive podcasts, and even live streams. Mark has also released three rock albums and is in the process of writing a fourth. When he is not podcasting he is often playing music, reading sci-fi and fantasy, or watching cooking shows with his wife and dog.


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Brandon Swanson

Brandon has been part of the MVP family since June of 2014 (or was it 2015?). He is obviously the best looking and best dressed member of MVP but he is pretty modest about it. When Brandon isn’t ticking off a viewer by Criticizing the “weak, watered down NBA”, or mispronouncing a name on the Miami Hurricane football team he is working diligently to help Ricky expand his wardrobe to more than just shorts and T-shirt’s.

In all seriousness Brandon is a huge sports fan specifically of the Chicago White Sox and Alabama Crimson Tide (yea yea i know it’s Alabama). Along with enjoying talking about sports Brandon is also a big political junkie and enjoys keeping up with the political headache which is Washington, D.C. He also loves spending time with his amazing family and great friends. 


Sean Anderson

Typically in our comment section you see a comment like, "Have you guys ever played a sport?" Well, Sean is the athlete of Most Valuable Podcasts. Sean played grammar school football where, as a 6th grader, was the back up QB to a 4th grader, because the program wanted to go in a 'younger direction'. Sean is a sharpshooter on the court as well. He was the star of the B-team from 6th-8th grade, where in one game he shot eight threes, and missed them all. That is a possible twenty-four points. When you are listening to Sean's insight on the Fast Break, you're getting an athlete's insight.


Sean is the host of The Fast Break Podcast, and is the Social Media Manager at MVP. His dream job is being the coffee intern of Andrew Perloff, and only Andrew Perloff, from the Dan Patrick Show. In his spare time he likes to create YouTube burner accounts to boost his ego on the Fast Break's videos, and is a craft brew enthu.

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Dave Oster

Dave told Ricky he's not good at writing about himself... However, he wanted to put some words to describe himself to you.

"We like sports and we don't care who knows
From the pre-game jokes to the wrap-up show
We like sports and we don't care who knows
Football football football, tennis hockey golf"